Video American Flag While riding home from an errand with my soon-to-be thirteen year old son, he looked upwards and in the breeze was waving an extra-large American flag. I was somewhat surprised and proud when he said “what a beautiful sight”. I pulled over and took a photo of our American flag that was flying on a flagpole on the property of a new restaurant that just opened. It was flying tall and proud.
If you drive just about anywhere in South Florida you do see businesses flying the American flag, but you now see flags from other countries and mostly from Latin and South America. I don’t have a problem with people or businesses flying their native country flag and I’m not saying every business does this, but the flags are flown at the same height or even higher than the American flag. Maybe there are just too many different kinds of flags flying for kids now-a-days to really respect and understand what our American flag stands for. How about when you fly the American flag, have it stand out to fly proudly on its own, so kids can understand and be proud for what it stands for?